Here's Tiffany in her pink dress.

1st stop was to grandma's house. Here's Tinkerbell checking out the balcony. We only brought Tinkerbell out visiting at some places. One dog was enough to handle.

Showing off her ball to everyone.

She found a playmate as soon as my cousin stepped in.

Eagerly waiting for her next house visit. She visited my parents-in-law and then she was dropped off at my parents place as we were off to church.

Dinner was back at my parents and here are the greedy dogs waiting for food to drop. Rubie managed to put her whole mouth into one of the goodies and the whole thing had to go to them. Obviously they were all happy.

Here's them begging for more food.
Day 2

Went on another house visit and she was so loved by most of the adults. Here's one of the aunties giving her a nice head rub. She terrorised the kids though cos they ran and so she chased. She was naughty too, she ran out of the house as the gate was left opened. Luckily we caught her, she decided to visit another house. The owner said his dog would bite Tinkerbell. Thank goodness his dog was behind a fence.

Getting more goodies from the aunties. Gosh they just wouldn't stop feeding her even though we told them she doesn't need to eat. They said she looks hungry but which dog wouldn't want food? (The moment we reached home, she was waiting for me to open the yard door. She did a really big business!)

Showing off her ball again. The other ball was destroyed by her on the 1st day.

Brownie lazing around.

Buddy is ball crazy. She wouldn't leave her ball and carries it all the time.

Rubie so happy to be patted.

Rubie having a sniff.

We went to visit another auntie and SURPRISE SURPRISE! Another dog was visiting her! Here's them checking out each other.

This is Belle, a Miniature Schnauzer, who is a year plus. Slightly younger than Tinkerbell.

Sniffing each other again. This was as far as they got cos Tinkerbell started getting violent as Belle was running back and forth. She jumps real high too! Tinkerbell took it as a game and wanted rough play but Belle wasn't ready to play like that. After that they put Belle back into the crate.
That was all the visiting Tinkerbell had done. It was fun bringing her around as it brought life to everyone. Everyone was excited to see a dog. I'm glad Tinkerbell wasn't too rough for anyone to handle.
1 comment:
Tiffany looks so cute in the dress! And it looks like Tinker had a lot of fun! Happy New Year!
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