Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm Three!

Tinkerbell's 3 this month.

"I can't wait to eat it!" She was surprised to see the cake when I called her to come to the table and immediately checked out the cake.

"I can't reach it..."

"How long do I have to wait?"

"What's happening? I'm too short to see anything."

Up the sofa they went for picture taking! That's Tinkerbell's present.

The forever greedy Rubie had to check it out.

Tinkerbell: "I can't look! Will she eat my cake?"

Tinkerbell:"Phew she hasn't got to my cake."

One more sniff...before we get to eat it.

Tinkerbell eating her share of the cake.

Rubie polished hers in one gulp.

Tiffany looking disappointed 'cos Rubie ate 3/4 of her cake. Rubie was too fast and snatched it off her plate.

"I'm satisfied."

Tiffany watching Tinkerbell eat the left over crumbs.

My new toy!

Enjoying life.

"Next time please get me a bigger cake!"


Amber-Mae said...

Oh, Happy Belated Barkday to you Tinkerbell! The cake looks yummy. You're very nice to share with your other two sistas...That's a cute stuffie too. Hope you had a great one!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Myeo said...

Happy Belated Birthday to you, dear Tinkerbell!

Boy n Baby

rabbitto_bunny said...

Happy Birthday Tinkerbell! I can't believe you would sit there and look at the cake for so long :) Hehehe!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Tinkerbell! But whoops, is that a spot of chocolate in your cake?

Parvathi Sreekumar said...

You are one of the cutest dogs in the the whole universe. Happy Birrthday and all of us love u.

To Tinkerbell
Parvathi and her sister

I admire u.