Monday, March 19, 2007

Eating Treats

Bought some doggie treats recently and unfortunately it didn't look like it taste or smelt very nice after I opened it and gave it to the dogs. Well, except for Rubie she didn't really care since she's so greedy. Anyway, here are some pics of them eating.

"Now what do I do with this? It's too big for my mouth!"

Happily eating away...

"I'm still not sure how to go about eating this. It's too hard!"

Trying to bite... and Rubie looking on to see if she can have that biscuit.

Tinkerbell: "Hey, what did I miss out? Oh it's that horrible biscuit..."
Rubie:"I really want another biscuit."

Rubie:"Are you sure you can handle that?"

Tiffany:"I give up!! You can have it!"


Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

LOVED the pictures! We had a good chuckle, I don't like the hard treats either. Thanks for sharing...we are going to add you to our list of friends:)

Hugs from Billy Boo (and mom)

Amber-Mae said...

Hey there! Oh dogs LURV treats!!! Nice pictures!

Hugs & kisses from us!

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Where are you guys hiding out???

Come out come out wherever you are...

Hugs from Billy Boo:)

Bella said...

Tiffany you have such a cute hair do can't wait to grow my hair longer too