I got drenched!Tinkerbell barks quite a lot but she has learnt not to bark too much at the neighbour as I usually scold her straight away. It was just another evening and Tinkerbell usually enjoys barking at the dogs that go pass our house. Usually all the dogs in the neighbourhood will start barking from the beginning of the street to the end and everyone will be at the gate waiting to see the next dog walk pass.
Anyway, Tinkerbell came into the house all wet! I thought she had dropped into a drain or something and she looked so shocked. I went and checked her out and guessed what?! I saw the neighbour holding a pail and I knew she had thrown a pail of water on Tinkerbell. Probably Tinkerbell started barking at her. The neighbour hates dogs and usually screams at Tinkerbell. If she didn't scream at her so much, Tinkerbell wouldn't be barking at her so much too! Tinkerbell hasn't really learnt her lesson though haha.. but thinking back, the raincoat would come in very handy now.